What Fees Are Involved in Selling a House in Canada?

Selling a house in Canada involves various fees and expenses that homeowners need to be aware of to accurately plan and budget for the process. Understanding these fees can help sellers make informed decisions and avoid any surprises along the way. In this blog, we will explore the key fees involved in selling a house in Canada, providing you with valuable insights to navigate the selling process successfully.

Real Estate Agent Commission:

Real Estate Agent Commission: One of the most significant fees associated with selling a house in Canada is the real estate agent commission. The commission is typically a percentage of the final sale price and is paid to the real estate agents involved in the transaction. The standard commission rate in Canada is generally between 4% to 6% of the sale price, but it can vary depending on the local market and the specific agreement with the agent.

Legal Fees:

Legal Fees: Engaging a real estate lawyer or notary public is essential during the selling process to handle the legal aspects of the transaction. Legal fees typically cover services such as reviewing contracts, conducting title searches, preparing legal documents, and facilitating the closing process. Legal fees can vary based on the complexity of the sale and the specific legal professional you choose to work with.

Mortgage Discharge Fees:

Mortgage Discharge Fees: If there is an outstanding mortgage on the property being sold, the seller may be required to pay a mortgage discharge fee to their lender. This fee covers the administrative costs associated with removing the mortgage lien from the property title. The discharge fee can vary depending on the terms of the mortgage agreement and the lender's policies.

Title Insurance:

Title Insurance: Title insurance is an optional but recommended expense when selling a house in Canada. It provides protection against potential defects or issues with the property's title, such as undisclosed liens, encroachments, or other ownership disputes. The cost of title insurance varies depending on the property value and the coverage options chosen.

Home Staging and Photography:

Home Staging and Photography: To maximize the appeal and marketability of the property, sellers often invest in home staging and professional photography services. Home staging involves arranging furniture and decor to showcase the property's best features, while professional photography creates visually appealing listing photos. The cost of home staging and photography services can vary based on the size of the property and the extent of the services required.

Capital Gains Tax:

Capital Gains Tax: Sellers in Canada may be subject to capital gains tax on the profit made from the sale of their primary residence if it is not eligible for the principal residence exemption. The capital gains tax is calculated based on the difference between the property's sale price and its adjusted cost base. It is advisable to consult with a tax professional or accountant to understand your specific tax obligations and potential exemptions.


Selling a house in Canada involves various fees and expenses that sellers should be aware of to accurately plan their finances. Real estate agent commissions, legal fees, mortgage discharge fees, title insurance, home staging, and photography are some of the common costs associated with the selling process. Additionally, sellers should consider the potential implications of capital gains tax on the sale of their primary residence. By understanding these fees and consulting with professionals, homeowners can navigate the selling process smoothly and make informed decisions to ensure a successful sale.